A Poem, Cast No Shadow

I put this poem together a few months ago. This chronicles a person struggling with his sanity, but we soon learn why at the end of the poem. The person casts no shadow, and it is really beginning to wear him down mentally.

The sun stares at me like an accusing eye
The moon by happenstance, my abettor
My shadow left me alone to die
I did nothing wrong, but no shadow to fetter
Abject cowardice from my faceless entity
My sanity toils to remain
But I refuse to absolve my identity
Despite the hate and disdain
I see passing shadows, but none are mine
I walk along with them to camouflage my loss
Embracing the lie that I am fine
I beg and pray and kiss the holy cross
I am but a ghost; I cast no shadow on the walls
I’ll continue to walk this world until my God calls

Let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!

Travis J. McRoy 2021 All Rights Reserved

6 thoughts on “A Poem, Cast No Shadow

  1. “ my shadow left me alone to die”… very well said 😊
    It’s just a moment when we let go of ourselves. A very touching poem.
    Thanks for sharing your amazing thoughts with us.

    P.S. I wanted to share your poem in my LinkedIn page but I couldn’t; not even as a link. I don’t know why.

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