Dad Mode Activated

We all have tons of work and projects to complete, but it is essential to put family first. For me, it is my “dad” hat.

 Whether it is singing in the car:

Or being a pillow:

It is a duty I take very seriously. I know that those little eyes are watching, and I know those little ears are listening. So I make it a point to instill the proper values in them. I want them to see and hear that I was always there for them growing up. I love to make them laugh even if it is at my own expense, which usually it is!

The stresses of the day hold no dominion over this call of duty…

Dad mode activated…

Short and sweet, thanks for reading!


17 thoughts on “Dad Mode Activated

      1. Thanks! Nice to meet you too. I’d appreciate that very much! She thought you’d enjoy the post I just did “A Poem, The Lonely Zombie”. Any support is greatly appreciated so thanks again. Awe, shucks thanks! ☺🙃


    1. Awe! Thank you for saying that. It is something I am very proud of and I want them to know that too. I’d rather them say “ugh, dad please stop bugging me!” instead of asking “where is dad?” all the time. 😊

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